Religion Wiki

Law of Karma: your external world is a reflection of your internal world.

Path to Nirvana (Liberation from Samsara):

1st stage (Stream-enterer)
Finite faith ("Homelessness")
2nd stage (Once-returner)
Moral discipline (Divine "discipline"/Boot camp)
Union with the divine
3rd stage (Nonreturner) (Rebirth in Pure Abodes)
Meditation (concentration) (Body, feeling, mind, and phenomena)
4 jhanas of form (4 infinite divine abodes including infinite time)
Unifying the mind (Mindfulness)
4 jhanas of formlessness
4th stage (Arahant) (Only the illusion of imperfection remains)
Wisdom and insight (Higher knowledge)
Seeing things as they are (Destruction of taints)
Seven Factors of Enlightenment
Four Noble Truths (Dependent origination)
Nirvana (Illusion of imperfection is gone)